Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Day 201:...and we're back!

Jobs Applied For: countless
Interviews Scheduled: ...
Music Practice: preparing for a pretty big audition

Hey friends! After a 3 month hiatus, it feels nice to be back. A few things have happened since I last posted (new year, no snow, and a few national holidays) but nothing notable on the job front. I have to admit that I took a short break from this because all of the "almost" and "maybe" opportunities were leaving me down in the dumps. But now that spring is on the horizon, so is the renewed hope and optimism that something will finally happen.

I admit that I am in a bit of a hurry so I won't be able to go into detail on this explanation but one of the reasons I disappeared was because of a friend's discretion. Upon describing this particular project of mine to him, he said that I really need to be careful about this. While I was more than aware that potential employers could read this when I began, he warned that many would not like what they read. He even said that "Trapped In Transition" may be the reason that no one was hiring me. As these words were processed in my mind, it felt as if any creative approach I had to achieving that cog-in-the-machine American dream began to slip away. I felt completely helpless. No matter how many resumes I sent out, no one would deem me worthy enough to hold that glory that is the very rare entry-level position. For about two month, I resigned and said to myself "what's the point?" 

I'm not quite sure how the spark was re-ignited. Maybe it was speaking to new people, forming new connections, or finally realizing that nothing lasts forever. Even the most basic form of life can unlearn learned helplessness. I would like to leave you with a lyric that inspired me from my latest musical fix, the album Some Nights. by Fun. "May your past be the sound of your feet upon the ground. Carry on, carry on, carry on." Well Nate Ruess (frontman of aforementioned band), I think I may follow those sound words for the foreseeable future.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Day 113: Recap Redux

Jobs Applied For: 12. 
Interviews Scheduled: 2 (including the grad school program which is on TUESDAY!!!)
Music Practice: Writing songs, recent stroke of inspiration :)

I am well aware that I am posting (staying in) on a Saturday night in an attempt to save money on holiday presents for family and friends. However, since it has been over 100 days since this blog began so I thought it was appropriate to track my progress for you. 

Things Accomplished: I began looking for apartments, I've completed 2 new songs, I successfully took 2 GRE exams, I received a sales/marketing internship at SPIN.
GRE Scores: I will not disclose them here but let's just say that I did well enough that I don't need to retake them :)
Jobs Applied For: 179
Jobs Received: 1

As always, the numbers are very discouraging but I will keep on applying and hope that something finally sticks.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Day 105: I got them moves like Julia Child

Jobs Applied For: 9. 
Interviews Scheduled: 1 (the same one)
Music Practice: Now that I have more time, I can dedicate a few more hours to this.

Happy Holidays readers! I hope your Thanksgiving was full of family, fun, turkey, pumpkin pie, and lots of wine. The list of things that I'm thankful for are as follows:
1. My family for putting up with my constant complaining about jobs, boys, life, etc.
2. My amazing friends for the same reasons listed above (and them some.)
3. An excellent thanksgiving meal.
4. The hope and anticipation for tomorrow. Knowing that something better is on the horizon for me and will show its face sooner or later.
5. The 2 jobs that I currently possess (SPINtern and babysitter extraordinaire.) While they aren't full time, they did pull me out of an awful summer and provided me with something to look forward to.

While it is disheartening to see that I've been searching for 105 days with no full time result, I still have extra time on my hands to work on certain side projects such as songwriting and music business pursuits (stay tuned for that one.) One of the easier side activities I have recently enjoyed is cooking. This is a small creative adventure that few are aware of. Growing up in a large family such as mine, I had to learn the art of cooking at the young age of 12. My parents were always working so my older sister and I were usually responsible for Friday night dinner. As I got older, my taste became more refined as did my 'mad skillz.' 

Fast forward to today. As you all are more than aware, my parents went through a messy divorce. This means that for my youngest two siblings, holidays are constantly split, divided, and fought over. As for the older three (myself included) we were able to make the decision, seeing as we are all over 18. Since we spent the Jewish high holidays with my mother this year, we decided to spend Thanksgiving at my dad's house. This obviously led to bitter fighting. While yesterday went off without a hitch, I still felt bad about not spending the holiday with my mom. Which is why I'm using my 'mad cooking skillz' today to make a mini-thanksgiving tonight! On the menu, we have Arroz con Pollo (not so American but she celebrated yesterday with friends and family as well), roasted asparagus, and home made pumpkin pie made from scratch by yours truly. I can't believe that everything came out so great! I'm not going to lie by saying the the slow cooker didn't save me a ton of work today, but the pumpkin pie. Because of that, I will never buy store bought pumpkin pie again. Maybe I should just leave the music business, open my own bakery (not to toot my own horn), and call it a day. Let me take care of all of your holiday baking needs (for a small fee of course)!

And as for all of you, my wonderful readers, I hope you all have a thrifty black Friday and a magical holiday season no matter what you celebrate. Let the fun begin!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Day 94: I'm not Anne Hathaway last time I checked

Jobs Applied For: 5. 
Interviews Scheduled: 1 (still grad school, but that isn't until December 6th)
Music Practice: 0.

You all must know at this point that I am having bad luck with employment, it's the number one reason why this blog is in existence. However, when your current job is described by family and friends as a "Devil Wears Prada" type of position, there is definitely a problem. I can't say that this particular errand was any crazier than anything else I've had to do with SPIN and since I normally find myself up to my eyeballs in data analysis on the average Monday, it was refreshing to get out. This was a bit too Anna Wintour for my liking though...

Today, I solved the question "how many SPINterns (Spin interns) does it take to pick up a passport at a foreign consulate." just in case you were curious, the answer is 2. About an hour and a half after I got to work, I was frantically approached to run to midtown and assist a fellow intern with this passport adventure. But there was a catch (there's always a catch.) I had about 30 minutes to get myself from Canal and Broadway to 42nd and 12th, a task that is not for the faint of heart. Catching the Q (a subway line for those of you who don't know) and arriving in midtown only took 10 minutes of time which meant that I was above ground just in time to catch a cross-town bus. Theoretically, that would leave me 4 minutes to find the Consulate, find my co-SPINtern, and complete the passport task. Oh if only theory was intertwined with execution on this Monday Afternoon. After waiting 8 minutes for the crosstown bus that never came, my fellow SPINtern called to inform me I had 8 minutes to get myself over there. I had 8 minutes to SPRINT from 7th avenue to 12th avenue on the most tourist packed street of the city. That is the equivalent of running 10 blocks, or a half-mile. I had my headphones, flat boots, and a heavy bag in tote so I did the only thing I could think of.

I booked it like there was no tomorrow.

8 minutes and a few side splints later, I was greeted by 2 security guards. One informed me that the Consulate was now closed (oh crap). The other said "Wait, are you the girl with the credit card?" (That's why 2 interns were needed) "Yes!" I breathlessly exclaimed as if they were the only words I could get out of my mouth. The guards stepped aside and there was my lovely SPINtern who looked very relieved to see me. We left with the passport in hand because after all, SPINterns know how to get the job done. We then proceeded to head back to the office where I ended up crunching numbers for the rest of the day, as expected. 

Needless to say, this tired girl didn't go to the gym when she came home.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Day 86: Back to Life, Back to Reality.

Jobs Applied For: 14 since we last spoke. 
Interviews Scheduled: 1 for a job and 1 for a Grad School program (explained below.)
Music Practice: Recording and guitar. Yes.

Readers, before I go into a long winded explanation as to why I haven't been around for the past few weeks I would like you all to take note of the update numbers listed above. Notice anything different? Is a certain category missing? Why yes, one has been in fact taken down. Would you like to know why? BECAUSE I FINISHED MY GRE WORK!!!!! 5 exclamation points were indeed necessary for that statement considering the amount of time it took to prepare for those exams. On October 25th, I officially finished those exams and you will all be very happy to know that I did pretty well on them too. The moment you finish your test is probably the most nerve wrecking moment of the entire process. When all is said and done and you finally complete the final section, the computer asks you not once, not twice, but three times if you would like to cancel your scores. The only thing going through my head during that moment was, "Wow, I couldn't have done THAT badly to initiate 3 of these prompts." And then the scores finally appeared and it was all over, and I couldn't be happier with the outcome. 

With all of this said, I am finding it a little difficult to return to the social life I once had. It has nothing to do with my friends themselves, it's just more of an adjustment than I thought. I would try to explain with an anecdote of when I first began this blog but the summer of 2011 is not a period of my life that I am proud of. Between low self-esteem, broken hearts, slight depression, and unemployment, it is not a time I look back on fondly.  A better way of explaining it would be to relate back to this point last year. To say that I had a very active social life would be an understatement. I catered to many many groups of friends and went out 6 out of 7 nights a week, so much that it made me sick. No, not the nauseating hangover type, but actually ill. As a result of my partying, I spent most of winter 2011 in bed with a cold/flu/strep throat/you name it. Maybe I'm afraid of going back to that or maybe it's because I spent the last 2 months contained to the 4 walls of my room but I can't seem to find the energy to get back to the same social butterfly. I hope I can find some sort of happy medium soon because this inability to readjust is beginning to cause fights between my friends and I. I'm not trying to hurt them or abandon them, I'm just trying to get my stride back.

And now, the return to EXTREME job hunting. 

There are two very large opportunities that have found their way into my lap this past week. One is with SPIN. My supervisor just received a promotion so the company is looking to hire an entry level sales assistant, needless to say I put my resume in without a second thought. Last Monday, I interviewed with the publisher of the magazine and I must have dazzled him with my wit and charm (or maybe it's because I already work there) because I was granted an interview with some of the marketing staff this coming week! I feel that this is the best chance I have of breaking into the music business, almost like being in the right place at the right time. 

The second opportunity is one that I neglected to share with most only because of the proximity between the last-minute application deadline and my GRE Psychology exam. A career path that has always been in the back of my mind that I have shared with very few is the possibility of becoming a teacher. When I was in college, I taught Math at a New York City public school as part of a work-study program (America Reads/America Counts.) The pay was pretty decent as far as work-study positions went and with my background of constant camp counselor-ing and music teaching, I was a shoe-in. What I thought would simply be a way for me to pay my bills in college turned into something much more. I actually didn't mind waking up at 6:30am to go to work, in fact I would say that I liked it. That is why I decided to apply to the New York City Teaching Fellows. It's this great program where you earn your masters in education while simultaneously teaching in New York city public schools as a full time teacher. I received a message from NYCTF on Friday evening informing me that they would like to schedule an interview. I was very excited by this news. I may be getting my hopes up a bit too early but this feels like the first time in a long time that I'm perfectly suited for something. I'm signing off so I can schedule a date and time for this momentous event. Maybe this could be the light at the end of my long-term unemployment tunnel... 

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Day 72: The Finish Line

Jobs Applied For: 10 since we last spoke. 
Interviews Scheduled: 0.
GRE Studying: Practice Exams for the General GRE
Days Until GRE (Psych): 0...conquered.
Days Until GRE (General): 2
Music Practice: 0, but I worked this crazy concert last night (story below.)

Hello friends, I have missed our little weekly chats. Up until recently, I had been quite occupied with my Psychology GRE exam as you all know. Well that exam has come and gone and it actually went pretty smoothly. However, I will not know for certain until I receive my test scores in 2 weeks. Now I'm a bit stuck. I put all my mental energy into the Psychology GRE and it's currently very difficult to focus on conquering the next exam. However, I am only a practice test or two away from the finish line so the only thing left to do is sprint towards that bright red tape.

Speaking of bright red tape, I have a lovely SPIN bracelet wrapped about my wrist from yesterday. We had a big event with Ray Ban and that little bracelet granted me access to areas that even the VIPs couldn't enter...because I was working. While I can't imagine anyone relishing the thought of slaving away on a beautiful autumn Saturday (I know I didn't), I dare to say that it was worth it. Not because of the slave labor we endured, but because I finally got a chance to speak to my other co-workers. They all definitely know my name and I think some of them may remember me on Monday at this point. What can I say, I'm opening doors and climbing up ladders...I hope. The concert ended up being the most fun I've had in a while. The Rapture played again, this was my second time seeing them perform and they have yet to disappoint me. Crystal Castles was the headliner and while that style of music isn't my cup of tea, the lead singer is a crazy performer which made it fun to watch. Half of the set consisted of stage dives. I wake up this morning with painful feet from yesterday and in desperate need of a massage, but the perks that I'm receiving from SPIN are entirely worth the work.

And now I'm off to run that final lap. I can't wait to have my life of job hunting and music making back on Tuesday evening. This is me getting mentally geared up and ready to go. Wish me luck!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Day 58: Rome If We Want To

Jobs Applied For: 4. 
Interviews Scheduled: 1.
GRE Studying: Research Design, Statistics, Tests, and Measurements (MY LAST CHAPTER!!!) And a very large verbal review for the general exam (do you remember vocab index cards?)
Days Until GRE (Psych): 6
Days Until GRE (General): 16
Music Practice: Songwriting, recording via Garage Band.

Ahhh, a quick study break during hell week to update my lovely blog! I'm more than aware that the theme that ties my most recent few entries has been complaining. The subject may range anywhere from difficulty in studying to current political and economic in justice, but frankly it's even starting to annoy me a little. I think the complaining stems a place of discontent with the entire direction my life is headed in...but we'll save that for another entry. 

There is only one remedy to cure this deep discontent. I Need A Vacation.

Yes, I know, I was only in Vermont at the end of August. But the type of vacation I'm referring to is one   in which I travel alone, not one that consists of babysitting my siblings. I've been thinking about what I can afford with my minuscule budget, certainly fancy caribbean islands are out of the question (no money) as are fun cross-country road trips (no car). I do have one place where I know I will be welcome but I probably should have started saving for it about two months ago (before I bought those Urban Outfitters jeans, and replaced my make-up, etc.) It is my number one spot right now nonetheless. 

(Picture taken by Danny Clark)

I can always go to Ireland. My best friend took that photo, she is currently spending her semester abroad there and as far as I've heard, she is having the time of her life. Plus I have wanted to travel to Ireland ever since the 6th grade. I went through a strange phase of loving everything Irish despite coming from a Russian/Polish/Hungarian/Austrian background, I even took Irish step dancing. From the stories I've heard and the pictures I've seen, it seems like a magical place full of culture and history. Unfortunately, a round trip ticket would cost about $700, a number that I CERTAINLY cannot afford if I am trying to move anytime soon. However the upside is that would probably be my biggest expense by far. And unless if she moves there (seeing how much she enjoys it, it's a distinct possibility) when is my best friend ever going to be in Ireland again? I'm certainly going to need an 8.5 by 14 inch piece of paper because I will have a very long list of pros and cons to go through. The main question I have to answer for myself: is delaying my move to New York City worth it for a trip to Ireland? Decisions, decisions...